Don’t fight a multi-billion dollar insurance company alone. Have a team of skilled attorneys on your side who understand the tactics used by insurance companies to trick you into accepting a low-ball offer. Our attorneys aggressively pursue the maximum payout by the insurance company, and will not be bullied. Hire personal injury attorneys who have been there before – and know how to win!
One of the important areas of our practice is nursing home litigation. A nursing home is a place where we are sometimes forced to place our loved ones because we need help providing proper care. Unfortunately, it seems that the loved ones are sometimes neglected or abused in the facility rather than receiving the proper care. These situations often result in serious injury or death of the nursing home resident. At Cooley Iuliano Robey, we consider this to be one of the worst abuses of human trust. If your loved one has been neglected in a nursing home or other facility, our attorneys are here to help. Call now, we would be happy to discuss your case.
Proven Success
Many people feel that once you’ve been charged by a police officer, you are out of options. This is simply untrue. Our clients enjoy aggressive criminal defense that holds the Commonwealth to their burden of proving your charge beyond a reasonable doubt. Our attorneys use various methods, from formal discovery to Freedom of Information Act requests, to procure evidence in your case in a very fast manner. It is not uncommon for our clients to have more information and evidence that the police officer or prosecutor.
By knowing what to look for, and knowing when, how and why to look for it, our attorneys scour every shred of evidence available in your case to build your defense. While we can’t make you any guarantees on the outcome of your case, we can guarantee that no stone will go untouched. What makes our attorneys different from other firms? Our attorneys don’t sit back and wait for an offer – we aggressively pursue dismissal.
Losing someone you love can be devastating. In addition to dealing with the emotional hardship associated with the unexpected loss of a loved one, you may be facing overwhelming financial expenses such as hospital bills, funeral costs, and burial costs. While no amount of money will ever be able to replace your loved…
Preventable medical errors kill and seriously injure many Americans every year. I am prepared to aggressively handle your medical malpractice case. Doctors and other medical professionals need to be held accountable for the pain and suffering that result from medical negligence, or as it is often…
Medical providers, including doctors, dentists, hospitals, nursing homes and other treatment or residential facilities owe a duty of proper medical treatment to their patients. The medical needs of the patient must not be ignored by a treatment provider or facility providing…
Unfortunately, patients in hospitals, nursing homes or other facilities sometimes fall victim to physical or emotional abuse. This abuse may be committed by staff members, other patients or residents of the hospital or facility, or even a visitor from outside the facility…