How Can We Help?
We understand that the legal process can be confusing. We do our best to take the guess-work out of hiring an attorney and litigating your case. While most questions you may have are best answered by one of our attorneys, we have compiled a short list of some of the most frequently asked (and easy to answer questions) below. If your question isn’t answered, please do not hesitate to contact us and ask.
At this time we accept cash, checks, money orders, all major credit cards, UK Student PLUS Account and PayPal.
Fees for the client are determined on a case-by-case basis, depending on the facts of the case and the work it may entail. Some cases, such as criminal defense, are “flat fees.” Other cases, such as personal injury or employment discrimination cases, are “contingency fees.” Cases such as custody battles, contested divorces or contract work are typically billed hourly. If you are unsure, feel free to ask!
A- Depending upon the type of case a client has, different methods of charging the attorney fee can be used. Some of the more common methods are the following:
- Hourly
- Work hours will be kept, and the client will be charged based upon how many hours are spent on the case.
- Contingency
- The payment of the attorney fee is totally dependent upon the client receiving a recovery. The attorney charges a set percentage of the amount recovered. The client may still be responsible for certain litigation expenses, such as court costs, court reporting fees, medical bills, etc. This information should be discussed, clearly understood and in writing at the time the attorney is hired so there is no misunderstanding at a later date.
- Flat-Rate
- Flat-rate payment methods are used when a single task or goal must be achieved, and the attorney feels this is a better option for the client than charging by the hour.
Our offices are located in PNC Tower, 301 East Main Street, on the sixth floor in Suite 650, in the heart of Lexington, Kentucky.
For almost all cases, there is absolutely zero charge for an initial consultation with an attorney to discuss your possible legal options. If there is to be a charge, the client will be informed of the charge before the office visit.
Absolutely not. While we hope that you choose to use us as your legal representation, there is absolutely no obligation to do so. We are confident that, once your case is accepted, we will provide you with the highest quality cost-efficient legal representation, and are sure you will feel the same after your initial consultation. But, there is zero obligation to act or to use us for your legal representation.
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